There’s no denying it - as the years go by my skin is slowly losing its youthfulness. Unlike wine and cheese, sadly, skin does not get better with age. The Tua Tre’ndface is a device that promises to improve the appearance of your skin without surgery.

My first impression of the Tre’ndface was that the product and the packaging looked dated, with branding that would look more at home in the ‘80s – however, the Tre’ndface has stood the test of time and the product speaks for itself. It comes with lots of wires and an instructional DVD (I was surprised it wasn’t a VHS!) The main body feels a bit cheap and the display and control panel is a bit over-complicated, but once you get the hang of the thing it’s ok. The device works by toning your facial muscles to help plump up your skin; I’ve been trying hard lately to tone all the other muscles in my body, so I suppose it makes sense that you should work out your facial muscles as well. I usually don’t do anything to work out these muscles, unless you count chewing donuts and squinting at take-away menus (I said I was ‘trying’ to tone up - not necessarily that I was succeeding!)

It takes three steps to complete a facial workout with the Tre’ndface. Firstly, moisten the sponge pads with the little water bottle provided. Secondly, switch the device on (this is essential) and finally, set the desired intensity level and place it on the area of your face to be treated first. This is a weird but also pleasant feeling; if you have ever used one of those ab toners you will recognise the feeling - a micro current causes the muscles to contract, sort of like crunches for your face, but in a less painful way.

I tested the Tre’ndface out on the left side of my face over a period as directed and I must admit that after a couple of weeks I could see a difference: my skin looked plumper and had a certain glow. However, when I asked my partner which side looked better to him he said (with a slightly panicked look on his face) that it was my right. So, whether or not the results are all in my head is still undecided, but it takes very little effort to use if you can make time in your day to do it. The process feels good and doesn’t involve any chemicals or sharp objects coming anywhere near my face, so I can see myself continuing to use this in the future. RRP £209

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4 out of 5


Five workout programmes

Tones facial muscles

Feels strangely nice

Chemical and surgical free


Lots of fiddly bits

Looks dated and old fashioned